Similar words: foreign, foreigner, foreign relations, reign, sovereign, sovereignty, reign of terror, freight. Meaning: n. aid (such as economic or military assistance) provided to one nation by another.
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61. His first foreign aid message in late March illustrated his quandary.
62. But Haiti still depends on foreign aid for over 65 % of the state budget.
63. In 1961, the Marshall Plan expired after distributing more than 12 billion dollars in foreign aid.
64. The Afghan puppet ulema (scholars) warned West-backed puppet president Hamid Karzai over growing Christian proselytizing by foreign aid groups in Afghanistan.
65. The president called foreign aid a handout that fosters dependence on wealthy nations.
66. Migrant workers worldwide send over $90 billion to developing countries, exceeding foreign aid.
66. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
67. We hope for foreign aid hut cannot be dependent on it.
68. Loveliness, need not the foreign aid of ornament, but is when unadorned, adorned the most.
69. Some aid agencies fear the G8 will fail to deliver on the food security plan, noting that promises made four years ago at the Gleneagles summit to double foreign aid had not been met.
70. The bidding result of a foreign aid project shall be publicized after the relevant bid opening is conducted and before a notice on bid awarding is officially distributed.
More similar words: foreign, foreigner, foreign relations, reign, sovereign, sovereignty, reign of terror, freight, feign, signal, malignant, signature, indignant, designated, indignation, designation, resignation, indignantly, ignore, nail, aid, naive, aide, AIDS, raid, said, open air, afraid, debonair, braided.